Saturday, 23 November 2013


One of the best things about Brighton is the people. All walks of life, all religions, all fashions, basically anything goes. Over the coming weeks I will endeavour to bring you some of the diverse population - but for now here are a few that I captured last summer whilst on a different mission. 
On the whole they look quite "normal" for want of a better word !!! cos... what is normal ?! .... But I think what I am trying to portray is that there are some many colourful characters in our town now, that I would love to show you, and will over the next few weeks. 
This project was more about collarging the images together, so each image is made of at least 3 photos. It was a design I was trying at the time. 
What I have found amusing, though not sure why?, is the workman that so kindly let me take his image's is still on the Open Market building site, I saw him the other day. 
Wow ... a whole year of standing in the same spot !!!!!!
Good on him :) 
I've yet to wait for a summer to see if if the deckchair man is still the same, I suspect he is. 

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